Odoo Platform Status

Instabliliy of services

Production instances
Degraded Performance

Dear customers,

Following up on yesterdays email, regarding the OVH Data Center incident in Strasbourg, we wanted to keep you posted on the current situation.

The Docker container orchestrator is hosted by OVH for all our Odoo platforms in France and Switzerland.

The containers (meaning the Odoo data) themselves , with the Odoo platforms are hosted in other datacenters, which explains why you have not experienced any interruption on your production and integration platforms.

Backups of your instances are duplicated in other distant datacenters (OVH, AWS or Exoscale).

Consequently, at this time, it is still impossible for us to deploy new versions (releases) of your Odoo instances in integration or in production.

OVH is not able to tell us if our orchestrator is in one of the affected buildings or simply in one of the buildings that was disconnected from the electrical network. They assured us an answer by Monday (March 15th).

In any case, we decided to have everything covered by deploying the orchestrator in another datacenter in order to anticipate and minimize the impact of this incident on your company and team.

Please note that in the event of an absolute emergency on your production platform, we are able to deploy a new version manually, for a substantial investment within 24 to 48 hours.

We will keep you posted on any changes of the situation.

In case of an emergency, please contact our application manager team or our project managers.

We thank you for your understanding and assure you that we are all on board to reduce the impact on your teams and your daily work, as much as possible given the circumstances.

Best regards

The Camptocamp team

#################################################################################### Dear customers,

This Wednesday night a fire happends in one of our data center.

More info here: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/france/grand-est/bas-rhin/bas-rhin-important-incendie-sur-le-site-de-l-entreprise-ovh-a-strasbourg_4327105.html

All the Odoo instances are operational as they are redundant and hosted in other data center within your country. But our management tools who were mainly hosted on the data center are now partially out of order.

As a concequence we are not able to deploy releases for now. Some micro interruption of the services may also appear.

Your data have not been altered or exposed.

In case of questions, do not hesitate to open an incident on our Jira.

Thank you for your understanding.

Your Camptocamp team